Welcome to our Site!

FIBROMYALGIA can be like hitting a BRICK WALL. Sometimes it seems there will never be an end to the struggle just to make it day to day. This is a page that will hopefully provide insights and resources in an all too long journey.

After hours of serching websites I have compiled a list of websites below that has given me hope and good information. I hope that this list of links will help somebody out there.

Note:Thanks to all those who have offered suggestions for this website.


Treating Fibromyalgia - American Family Physician (October, 2000)

Fibromyalgia Information from Miryam Williamson

WebMD Fibromyalgia Condition Center

National Fibromyalgia Research Association

The American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association, Inc.

The Fibromyalgia Network

CFS & FM Good Doctor List

American College of Rheumatology

Fibromyalgia: Malfunctions in Two Key Body Systems May Contribute to Disorder

USA TODAY Fibromyalgia Forum


National Fibromyalgia Awareness Campaign

Fibromyalgia Information

National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Association

National Fibromyalgia Partnership, Inc.


Social Security Disability Information

Law firm with experience filing disability for fibromyalgia sufferers

Links related to ABC NEWS 20/20 Program on Surgical Treatment of FMS

Cervical Spinal Stenosis

The Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch

Fibromyalgia Study

Visit our other Website

This page created June 1999
Updated September 2nd, 2006

Disclaimer - We are providing this site out of kindness and do not represent these ideas or links as a substitute for professional medical advise. You should always consult a medical doctor before begining a treatment for any real or percieved medical condition. We provide these ideas or links to build the awareness of fibromyalgia and help those suffering in some small way. We are by no means experts. Again consult a medical doctor for evaluation and treatment.